When is the right time to change your catalyst converter?


A catalyst converter is an additional equipment that you must install for your car if it is designed to emit a lot of green house toxic gases into the atmosphere. Similar to other parts of the vehicle, this also has a lifespan until which it will work properly. When it seem to show some issues on maintaining the exhaustion, it is time for you to change your catalyst converter. Want to sell your no longer usable catalyst converter? Sell your scrap catalytic converter here for the right price that it deserves.

Unlike other parts of the vehicle, the time at which this converter has to be changed cannot be easily found. We are here to help you find the right time for doing this change. They are as follows,


  • There are some symptoms with which you can easily find out if there is a problem with the catalyst converter. If you find the ride is rough and it doesn’t give a proper mileage that it used to give before, then you must check with this. If the exhaustion is very smelly, then it is a sign that this catalyst converter is not working properly. If it is attached at a place that is easy for you to repair, then you could easily examine and find the existing problem. If not, you have to take it to a mechanic to repair it. It will be installed at different places in the vehicle depending on the specific model. Generally, if there is no need for any replacement, the repair process will take only about an hour or less.
  • After years of driving with a bad catalyst converter, there are no serious problems that will occur rather gradual plugging. When the half of it is clogged, still there will not be any danger to your car and when it is fully clogged, you either repair it or remove it to run your car again. Usually a newly installed catalyst converter will last for a minimum of ten years and also sometimes longer than that. It is not mandatory to install this converter but as a responsible citizen of the country one has to follow this to reduce the amount of air pollution. When the exhaust from the engine is no longer involves reduction process and then oxidation process before emission, then it is time for change. Sell your scrap catalytic converter for reasonable prices here and take no loss. One thing that cannot be denied is the installation of this catalyst converter reduces the mileage of car to a very small extent. When it is removed, the horse power and mileage gets boosted as soon as possible.